Click on the links below for current job opportunities in Lakewood & surrounding communities. Job postings include part- and full-time jobs for current students, as well as opportunities for those about to graduate. A link to information on trades apprenticeships is also provided. Job postings will be updated during the LHS school year, but not over the summer break.
10/21/24 - Aladdin's Eatery; Full- and Part-time Positions Available
9/30/24 - Goldfish Swim School; Part-time Positions Available
9/3/24 - Lakewood Catholic Academy; Part-time Aftercare Staff Member
Trades Apprenticeships
An apprentice is someone 16 or older who is learning a career from a skilled worker and earning while they learn, all without student loan debt. Follow the link above for a list of some of the programs in our area and a link to apply.
JOB POSTINGS for the school year will be accepted between the first and last day of school for students.
Please send a flyer (PDF or Word/Google doc) or a link to your website that provides details on the available job(s) to: Please also include an end date for the job posting noting that the last date for all job posts is one week after the last school day of the year for LHS students.